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Becoming a Birder

BECOMING A BIRDWATCHER By Jon Friedman Forty years ago, more or less, people began asking me about my general interest in birds and watching birds, observing bird behaviors and feeding birds in particular. Even when I was a young child and an adolescent, people wondered why I was so interested in birds. I don't necessarily remember how I answered those questions but I do remember that I was a little hesitant to explain myself to others. After all, birding (the act of observing and learning about birds) was not as popular an interest with the general public when I was...

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Birding 101

BIRDING 101:Some Basics for Beginners by Jon Friedman (This article was originally co-authored with Steve Philips and published in the November 1993 newsletter; it was expanded and updated for this issue.) IntroductionDid you know that in recent years birding has become one of America’s favorite pastimes? Birding is second only to gardening across much of the country. More people are involved with birds, in the backyard, in the field or in both, than all the spectators of all live sports combined. (Not counting athletics on TV like the Super Bowl, the World Series, the World Cup, or the Olympics.) Several...

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Some Basic Birdfeeding Tips

SOME BASIC BIRDFEEDING TIPS   by Jon Friedman Introduction Since we began publishing our printed-on-paper newsletter, in 1991, many articles that focused on various aspects of feeding birds in the backyard have informed and educated our readers. Most of the earlier printed articles were very basic and relatively short, most often just a page or two. I am aware that many readers have saved their newsletters as a resource they could refer to whenever the need arose. In recent years we have expanded our efforts as the email format easily satisfies the need for more information in a more concise...

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Bird Houses and Cavity Nesters

BIRD HOUSES AND CAVITY-NESTERS by Jon Friedman Introduction All birds need a few certainties in their lives to survive. Critical among them are food, water, shelter and habitat. Not all birds share the same requirements for living. Water is a common necessity that all birds need daily. But the foods they eat and the habitats they live in can differ widely. All birds require shelter as well. Where birds spend their nights and where and how they nest differs significantly by species. Photo by Doris Evans Some pelagic birds like the albatrosses actually sleep on the wing as they glide...

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Birders, Gardeners, and Controlling Pests

Birders, Gardeners, and Controlling Insect Pests by Jon Friedman Introduction Photo by Doris Evans Winter couldn’t have been milder in Southern Arizona (unlike most of the rest of the country) and insect pests are already making their presence known. Keep in mind all insects are not pests – in fact, there are many beneficial bugs whose presence we should welcome. Many birders also are organic gardeners, plant habitat for birds and other wildlife, or otherwise have beautifully landscaped areas around their homes. Insect pests can cause problems wherever plants can be found. Methods Birders and gardeners can control pest problems...

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