Everything for the wild bird enthusiast!
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Bird Homes by Karen Terranova



Quirky…Unusual…Colorful…These are just a few words that describe self-taught artist Karen Sheals-Terranova as one who is blessed with the vision and ability to turn the castoffs of others into odd yet interesting and useful treasures.

Karen has the gift of finding uses for discarded and forgotten items.  The finished product may be anything - from old light fixtures turned into hanging bird feeders or candle holders - from worn out furniture, brightly repainted with clever designs, to used and discarded wood and metal findings, all turned into funky, colorful bird houses.

Karen grew up watching and learning from her mother’s creativity and through the years has established herself as a talented creator of useful pieces from crazy ideas.

Since these are individually designed and constructed as functional art by Karen, our inventory is constantly changing. So if you are interested please call us and we'll tell you what is available and we can take a picture with the iPhone and send to you.


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Contact us for information about special shipping costs and available inventory

